Northside Primary School’s Geography curriculum aims to develop children’s understanding from an early age this includes children in our Nursery setting. We encourage and develop our geographical understanding through asking questions about our unique, local and comparing it to different locations around the UK and globe. We make links between observations and how maps are used to survey the land accurately and begin to understand how simple directions build up to locating features on a map/atlas.
Geography is taught in blocks each half term alternating with history. We aim to provide field work and trips to support our teaching termly, for example visiting the local beach to read maps, visiting local places such as the harbour to develop geographical observations and residentials to places outside of our county.
- Spark curiosity and a sense of awe and wonder to inspire children to be fascinated with geography and the world surrounding them.
- Provide a high-quality programme of study full of rich, diverse learning experiences, using the local environment where possible.
- Aim to equip children with the skills and knowledge to gain a deep understanding of the world around them including human and physical features of the landscape.
- Through progression, enable the children as geographers to make sense of the Earrth’s key processes as well as preparing them with knowledge for te future.
- Develop pupils’ understanding of geography by progression skills from EYFS to Year 6.
- Geography to be taught for one hour per week and have strong, relevant links across the curriculum – including clear links with history.
- Develop awareness of the wider world through undertaking trips each term or utilising visitors to enhance topic learning.
- Increased vocabulary which children are encouraged to apply both in their speaking and writing.
- A clear progression of knowledge and skills.
- Increased ability to articulate (written and spoken) about aspects of geography.
- Improved written outcomes at age-appropriate expectations.
What does it look like?
- Effective curriculum in place.
- Book scrutiny displays links to curriculum coverage.
- Staff aware of progression and previous learning links.
- Progression of skills.
- Children gain confidence in their development as geographers.
- Children develop a repertoire of local and wider UK and beyond knowledge and understanding of the world.
Evidence and Monitoring
- Use of questioning in lessons
- CPD sessions arranged to develop staff confidence in Computing.
- Updating Learning Ladders
- End of Unit Opportunities
- Learning walks
- Pupil voice by subject leaders and school council
- Planning monitored by subject leader and Head Teacher