Northside Primary School Uniform Requirements
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan (school logo optional)
- White polo shirt or white shirt/blouse (school logo optional)
- Black or grey trousers – No leggings, no joggers or tracksuit bottoms
- Black or grey skirt/pinafore
- Black shoes – No trainers
- Red and white checked gingham dresses or grey or black shorts may be worn in the summer
PE Kit
- Plain white t-shirt (school logo optional)
- Plain black PE shorts, joggers, tracksuit bottoms or leggings (no logos)
- Trainers
- Should be natural in colour and no extreme haircuts
- Long hair must be tied back
Permitted jewellery
- Children may wear a watch and small stud earrings. Earrings must be removed for PE (Children will be responsible for removing and putting in their own earrings)
Make Up & Nail Varnish
- No make up or nail varnish should be worn
We use Parent Mail to manage our uniform orders.
If you have any queries regarding Parent Mail, please contact Miss Mitchell in the school office on 01900 62255 or