School Hours, 6.5 hours per day

8am Breakfast Club
8.35am Doors open, toast & fruit are offered to all children and registration begins
9am Registration closes
Morning lessons English, Maths, Phonics and SPaG.
10:30 – 10:45am School assembly / Celebration assembly on Friday
10.45am – 11am Morning Break
12pm – 1pm Lunch
Afternoon lessons Lessons planned in accordance with the school curriculum
3.15pm School closes for the day
4pm Any after-school clubs end



We hold assemblies each day at Northside Primary School.

Please see below our weekly assemblies timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
National and International Event Whole School Assembly Culture and Religion Whole School Assembly Safeguarding Whole School Assembly Class Assembly – topical to school or within the news Star of the Week Celebration Assembly