Taken from Pupil Voice:
“We would like to do more. We are improving our skills by practising rugby and running each week. “

Northsides’ P.E. curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all to be enjoyed.

Our high-quality PE curriculum develops physical literacy and allows pupils to learn about themselves, the importance of a healthy lifestyle, self-expression and concepts such as fair play and respect. It also contributes to the development of a range of important cognitive skills such as decision-making and analysis, and social skills such as teamwork and communication. Our curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We provide opportunities for our pupils to participate in competitive sports and activities both in and beyond the curriculum.

Our PE curriculum is inclusive and ensures that pupils of all abilities access the range of activities we offer and that they are physically active for sustained periods of time in order to encourage them to lead healthy, active lives. There are opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles in which they can build character and embed values such as fairness and respect.


  • To use PE to develop the health and wellbeing of our pupils.
  • To develop the physical skills to allow pupils to have confidence in their own ability when performing individually or in a competitive situation.
  • To develop the knowledge and understanding which underpins physical activity in all pupils.
  • To provide a variety of enjoyable opportunities for pupils to engage in physical activity to develop lifelong participation.


  • Specialist Teaching from Emma Marshall (PE Specialist) and Evie Atkinson (PE Specialist) for each class, for two afternoons a week.
  • Planning has been developed by the PE specialist for the CET.
  • Provide a range of extra-curricular activities including after-school clubs, sporting opportunities and competitive events.
  • Playground Leader Scheme – empowering older children, as role models, to support younger children in creating meaningful play and activities at break times.
  • Sports’ festivals which are available through the CET as well as those which are developed in the locality.


  • Increased attainment and progress across all areas of PE in all year groups.
  • KS2 to achieve at least basic skills’ award in swimming including water safety.
  • Staff to feel confident delivering a full PE curriculum following weekly CPD and team teach sessions.
  • Increased attendance of after-school, extra-curricular provision.


  • Coaches provide CPD for teachers and support children to reach their full potential.
  • Swimming lessons provided from Year 3 to Year 6 for one week each term at Workington Leisure Centre.
  • Sport’s partnership coaches (Emma Marshall and Evie Atkinson) deliver two lessons per week across the school.



  • PE forms part of the whole school monitoring programme to ensure that standards are consistent and assessment is robust.
  • CPD to ensure more accurate assessment data, including children’s ability to self/peer assess.
  • Staff audit and pupil questionnaire about PE/


Subject Overview 24-25 PE