Taken from Pupil Voice:
“We learnt how the Vikings lived when we went on our visit to The Beacon. It was interesting trying clothes on.”
We teach a history curriculum that provides opportunities for all pupils to delve deeper and make connections to the past and the world in which they live in. History aims to inspire children to actively explore different periods of time as well as cultures, in order to paint a bigger picture of how life today came about. We teach children the skills required to be a good historian; how to research and gather information, as well as how to question information gathered for authenticity, perspective and reliability in order to gain understanding of the key historical concepts. Children have access to a wide range of resources to aid them in their discovery, and opportunities across the curriculum to present, test and evaluate their historical knowledge. Our vision is that all pupils develop an increased confidence and understanding of historical facts, as well as an understanding of its influence on our day to day lives which will enable them to become confident and well-educated citizens within our society.
We emphasise Cultural Capitalism and British Values as the key aspects of learning history at our school as well as developing the pupils’ character, such as, respect, responsibility and resilience.
All children have access to the history curriculum, through careful planning, (GDS, SEND/Inclusion) and the curriculum is taught using a variety of teaching and learning methods which include adaptive teaching of the curriculum to enable access to all.
The history curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Know and understand history of these islands as a coherent, chronological narrative.
- Know and understand significant aspects of history of the wider world.
- Gain and deploy a historically grounded understanding of abstract terms such as ‘empire’, ‘parliament’, ‘civilisation’ and ‘peasantry’.
- Understand histroical concepts and use them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends, frame historically-valid questions and create their own structured accounts.
- Understand historical concepts such as continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference, and discern how and why contrastring arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed.
- Develop pupils’ understanding of chronology teaching topics in order across the year groups.
- History to be taught for one hour a week and have strong, relevant links across the curriculum.
- Develop awareness of the wider world through conducting trips once per term or inviting a visitor to speak to children to enhance their learning.
- Increased understanding of historic events and the order in which they happened.
- Increased vocabulary and pupils encouraged to apply this is speaking and recording.
- Development of a progression in children’s understanding of history.
- Increasing ability to talk about what history is and the skills that pupils use.
- A clear progressions of skills and knowledge.
- Improved written outcomes.
What does it look like?
- Effective curriculum in place.
- Books link to curriculum coverage.
- Staff aware of pervious learning and making links with this.
- Pupils’ develop a progression of skills in History.
Evidence and Monitoring
- Use of questioning in lessons
- CPD sessions arranged to develop staff confidence in Computing.
- Updating Learning Ladders
- End of Unit Opportunities
- Learning walks
- Pupil voice by subject leaders and school council
- Planning monitored by subject leader and Head Teacher
Subject Overview 24-25 History
For further information regarding the History Curriculum, please see this link: