The delivery of the computing curriculum at Northside Primary School is centred around ensuring children are able to understand and partake safely in the rapidly changing world around them. At all stages, children are exposed to various forms of technology. At Northside Primary School, we operate ‘paperless classrooms’ from year 1 – year 6 whereby every child has their own laptop and the use their own Teams account to access learning specifically tailored for each child. The daily use to these laptops ensures children are regularly utilising and embedding the key knowledge and skills taught as part of our computing curriculum.
- To help pupils gain knowledge and understanding of current and new digital technology.
- To enable children to find, exchange, analyse and present information in a safe and respectable manner.
- To ensure that the computing curriculum is purposeful and progressive.
- Develop pupils’ knowledge of elements of computing – Computer Science (CS), Digital Literacy, Information Technology (IT) and Online Safety.
- Computing timetable allows delivery of computing on a weekly basis.
- Develop awareness of Computing by linking in with current events and identifying the latest technology.
- Teaching of computing on a weekly basis.
- Developing a skill base across the school (Excel etc).
- A clearer progression of knowledge and skills.
- Improved delivery of computing and increased equipment.
What does it look like?
- Computing sessions are delivered on a weekly basis.
- Work is saved in class folders.
- Pupils have access to laptops.
- Access to other IT equipment, e.g. BBots.
Evidence and Monitoring
- Use of questioning in lessons
- CPD sessions arranged to develop staff confidence in Computing.
- Updating Learning Ladders
- End of Unit Opportunities
- Pupil voice by subject leaders and school council
- Planning monitored by subject leader and Head Teacher