Dear Parents
Following the recent announcement from the Government, I am sure you are aware that schools are now planning and preparing for full re-opening on Monday 8th March.
At present, I do not have all the details as to what this will look like and any adjustments that we need to make in order to achieve this. However, we are currently working on this to ensure a safe return to school for your child.
Please bear with me whilst the staff and I work on the details and I will communicate them to parents as soon as they are ready and in place, but rest assured that we are working hard to get this right for everyone.
We are very much looking forward to having all the children back in at Northside on 8th March. I know you will join with me in thanking the staff for all of their efforts to ensure that education continued for your children during this most recent lockdown. They have kept your children at their heart and I know this will continue.
If you have any specific questions about reopening then please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Joanne Lloyd